Februari 18, 2014

Review : Hazeline Snow White and Natural

written by Unknown di 11:36:00 AM

Lately i'm focused on my skin routine, so i prefer skin care product than make up lately. because i believe that an healthy skin can glowing it self even without any make up on it. 
after i was  tired using and trying any kind brand of moisturizer. i prefer oil free moisturizer, can lighten up my skin and of course it should moisturize my skin. 

FINALLY, i found the one, which perfect to hydrate my skin, and have all benefit i want from a moisturizer. 


This product is so well known for ages, if you forget about the old packaging of this product i will remind you with the picture under.

looks like container of a balm right ? hahaha that's also what comes in my mind. but if you think it's same with Hazeline which made in Indonesia, you totally wrong. This Hazeline made in Malaysia, Lucky me found a great distributor for this product. 

as far i know this Hazeline Snow comes in 2 variant : Yellow and Green

Picture taken from google
the yellow one is for moisturizer only, the green one for moisturizer and lightening. they come in 100 grams and 50 grams. 
for the ingridients of Hazeline Snow 

Water, Stearic Acid, Sodium Hydroxide, Methyl Stearate, Benzoic Acid, Fragrance, Methylparaben, Propylparaben
Hazeline Snow White & Natural Lightening Cream
Water, Stearic Acid, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Niacinamide, Glycerin, Dimethicone, Cetyl Alcohol, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Fragrance, Potassium Hydroxide, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Mulberry (Morus Alba) Root Extract, Disodium EDTA.

i love to put it into the fridge and let it cool before i use it. i apply to my skin in the morning and also at night before i sleep. it helps to get rid off the acne. 
i've tested this product with mercury test, and yippiiee they NOT contain mercury. 

How to get mercury test of your product ?
  1. Take little amount of your crem to your hand 
  2. and then take a gold ring, it's even better if you use the pure gold ring
  3. rub the cream with your ring back and forth evenly 
  4. and see your hand. if it getting dark or black, so your cream is consist of mercury, dont use it again. if it's not, it's find for you t use the product 

Texture : 
The texture of this cream is so puffy, and it absorb so well into my skin. 
the first effect you'll get after using it is cool, tightening and also give an effect natural glow. 
Hazeline snow also can cure your sunburn.

i tell you this product i worth to try.  it comes with affordable price with a great benefit we get. 

this is my bare face after 6 hours using it without foundation or powder at all, No lipstick or else.  i just did my eyebrow.  trust me i didn't do bolting oil paper.

PS : it's not a sponsor product, i bought it my own. 

Thanks for reading, Much Love

30 komentar:

Monica Dian Novelia Jatmiko mengatakan...

kyaaaa contains paraben.. T^T
but nice if it help reducing acne ^^

Unknown mengatakan...

Hai sis.. thanks udah mampir. Hampir semua kosmetik mengandung Paraben loh, jenisnya macem2. kalo kata mbah sih itu untuk pengawet bisa untuk makanan dan juga kosmetik. coba kamu cek body lotion kamu, liat ingridient di belakangnya itu, pasti ada kata-kata paraben juga (mis : Vase**in). Paraben juga ada di eyeshadow..

Hannah mengatakan...

hai sis, boleh tau beli hazeline nya dimana?

Unknown mengatakan...

Hai SIs, aku jual koq Hazelin snow ori malaysia nya
- Hazeline Snow Kuning 100 gr @ Rp. 53.000,- ( bisa untuk sampe lebih 2 bulan pemakaian )
- Hazeline Snow White n Natural - Hijau 50 gr. @Rp. 60.000, ( Bisa untuk 1,5 bulan pemakaian) - Brg New Made in Malaysia
Harga Exclude Ongkir Jakarta pake JNE yahh.. order ke BBM aja yah : 74B5372C

Anonim mengatakan...

Am from Philippines I have tried this product and it work, i want to be a dealer of this product but I dont know how and where to order.. hope we become partners..

amelia tria

Anonim mengatakan...

please try to send me email about the product and how to order.. ameliatria_02@yahoo.com..

Anonim mengatakan...

mba, aku sudah invite pin bb mba. tolong accept pin bb aku mba. aku mau beli Hazeline Snow mba. tq.

Anonim mengatakan...

salam kenal... aku pingin banget beli Hazeline snow made in Malaysia yang asli... tapi aku ga ada BB... So, what am i supposed to do, Sis??... ada no HP ga??... Thanks...

Anonim mengatakan...

Bb lg error bs order by whts up?
Itu bener2 asli? Ak pernah bli online tp expire gtu..

Unknown mengatakan...

Hai Sis.. iya sli made in malaysia .. bisa WA sis ke saya 087862198543

Anonim mengatakan...

di malaysia, beli nya di mana sis?? di toko apa sis??

Unknown mengatakan...

aku jual sis... order sm temen di malaysia

Anonim mengatakan...

beneran asli sis?? harganya brp sis? aku takut palsu sis.....

Anonim mengatakan...

sis ini msh bs order?

Unknown mengatakan...

Hai sis, masih bisa order koq tapi ada perubahana harga Hazelin snow nya yahh
- Hazeline Snow Kuning 100 gr @ Rp. 55.000,- ( bisa untuk sampe lebih 2 bulan pemakaian )
- Hazeline Snow White n Natural - Hijau 50 gr. @Rp. 68.000, ( Bisa untuk 1,5 bulan pemakaian) - Brg New Made in Malaysia
Harga Exclude Ongkir Jakarta pake JNE yahh.. order ke BBM aja yah : 74B5372C

Anonim mengatakan...

Hi . Where do I purchase haze line snow in Kuala lumpur

Anonim mengatakan...

Tried going to Watson and guardian but can't find it please help

Anonim mengatakan...

Hi sis....how much u sell hazeline snow moisturizing cream in yellow bottle in ringgit msia price & can u post it?

Never Stop to Learn mengatakan...

Saya di kuala lumpur... Bisa bli sama teman di malaysia ngak ithiene?

arir sulistiyani mengatakan...

Saya juga cucok pake hazeline nih, mau cb yg whitening,, oya mau tanya liat exp date nya gmn ya?

Anonim mengatakan...

masih jual kah ini hazeline snow nya?

arir sulistiyani mengatakan...

hai, aku bs bantu kalo kamu mau pesen, 7f9f2474 atau 085748548933

Unknown mengatakan...

dulu banget aku pake ini bagus banget.. setelah ganti makin banyak masalah diwajah..pengen back make ini lagi tp takut kena barang palsu.. :(

Anonim mengatakan...

sista.. masih bisa order kah hazeline snownya ?

Tan Cherlyn mengatakan...

Im from spore.
Selling 100g authentic yellow bott.


Sisil mengatakan...

Hi sis, info yang sangat bermanfaat�� Thanks ya.

Oiya aku mau nanya nih, lebih recommend yg hazeline yg hijau atau kuning?

Unknown mengatakan...

Hai sis, tergantung kebutuhan sihh kl kamu cuma mau melembabkan aja pake yg kuning dia lebih rich kl kamu butuh lembab plus mencerahkan pilih hijau yahh...

Keong mengatakan...

Hi sis, mau nanya nih, kalau buat acne scars and oily face bagusan yang kuning apa yang hijau ?

Unknown mengatakan...

beli hazeline yang ijo dimana ya sist???thanks

Unknown mengatakan...

Hi ka.. product hazelinenya masih ada gak?? Kalau ada, aku mau order😀

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