Agustus 19, 2013

DIY : Homemade Sugar Wax

written by Unknown di 10:54:00 PM

Sometimes is hard being a girl, alot of treatment that  we must do to maintant our apperance, but because of that also i love being a girl xixixi.. 
the treatment i want to talk about right now is about hair removal. i used to shaver to remove the hair in my leg and also underarm, but as you all know that is not good . 
The effect of shaving are : 
sometime you will get the Razor Bump, because of wrong direction of shaving
Irritation skin 
The hair growing fast, approximately 4-5 days after you shaving 
believe or not the hair growth is so thick
you will not get the smooth skin after all because the blade.

There are some problem i've been facing while i shaving, but now i want to try sugar wax for har removing. i watch in Youtube how to make the homemade sugar wax. so, let's begin .. 

Ingredient :
  • 1 Cup Sugar 
  • 1/3 Cup Lemon water
  • 1/3 Cup Water 
That's it, simple right ?!

Now let's cooking those things. 
  • First of all take the pot on the stove
  • Pour in the mixture into the pot and turn the stove in medium until it's boiling 
  • when the mixture start boiling or bubling stir the mixture using the wooden spatula or regular spoon. DO NOT EVER USING PLASTIC SPOON ! it will melt 
  • keep stir it around 8 -10 minutes, it take times to change the color into golden brown 
  • Check the color and the consistency of the wax, if the color already get into dark brown or golden brown and the texture is sappy enough then you get the right consistency, if not cook again on the stove until the right consistency.
  • Once you fill it's finish, turn off the stove and put it in empty jar, so you can pre-heat it again whenever you want to use it. put in room temperature for 5-7 minutes. 
  • take a spatula to take the wax, then you ready to use the sugar wax. 

Enjoy Dear ! 
Thanks for reading, Much Love

7 komentar:

Jessica Ie Journal mengatakan...

Like it! Bakal coba nih ^^
Thanks sarannya :D
itu pake kain kah??

Jessica Ie Journal mengatakan...

anw design blognya bagus banget dear^_^
gimana ya caranya naruh instagram sama twitter button di atas? thank you so much^_^

Dona Ariani mengatakan...

iya sis pake kain apa?soalnya aq mo coba bikin jga hehe..

Unknown mengatakan...

Hai Dear... Thanks for visiting my blog, mind to follow me back dear

untuk Jessica Ie dan Dona Ariani : Itu pake kain blacu aja say, kl aku biasa beli di pasar murah koq per meternya. kain semeter itu bisa kamu gunting jadi bagian kecil sekitar 10 x 5 cm aja bisa dpt banyak tuhh..
lumayan save money kan :D

Selamat ber-DIY- Ria yhhh

Unknown mengatakan...

Hai.. Haiiii..
Maaciiihhh dear... itu aku sih search di googling dengan kata kunci " membuat button twitter di blogspot"
nanti ada kodenya.
lumayan ribet sih waktu aku bikin itu hihihi tapi berhasil dehh :D
tapi kalau sekarng di suruh ngulang caranya aku malah lupa link wktu itu dimana hehehe.. sorry if i'm not much help.

i have already follow your lovely blog, mind to follow me back yahh :D

Jessica Ie Journal mengatakan...

Oh gitu ya >< ok deh semoga aku berhasil juga nanti XD
Love your blog design!^^
Followed! Thanks for reading <3 ^^

Asty Alisan mengatakan...

thanks for sharing dear! bener2 ngebantu buat ngehemat biaya waxing :D

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